Wednesday, January 6, 2010

What color highlights should I get for dark brown curly hair?

redWhat color highlights should I get for dark brown curly hair?
Be careful or you will wind up with orange hair!!!

see your hairdresser.What color highlights should I get for dark brown curly hair?
get like a carmel golden color. really pretty i have brown hair with those strikes
u know, if you have VERY curly hair, highlights ar not going to look very good. But, maybe caramel. Blonde, is one that every1 has! good luck, hoped this helped!
I have dark brown hair but its not curly and i had blond and red highlights that looked good and in the passed year i got red and black highlights so be careful with the colors because of your curly hair but sometimes taking risks pays off..i mean none of my friends thought black and red would look good on me but now they love it so it really depends on what you want and what you think would look good! hope i helped

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