Saturday, December 26, 2009

What color of highlight will be nice on black straight hair for s.o with hazel eyes and pale skin..thanks?

Use two color to give dimension to your hair and bring out your features. The best options would be a medium chocolate color, and a lighter caramel brown.What color of highlight will be nice on black straight hair for s.o with hazel eyes and pale skin..thanks?
I think not to deep of a brown.What color of highlight will be nice on black straight hair for s.o with hazel eyes and pale skin..thanks?
Personally, Id say pink. It depends what kind of look you're going for. If neutral, go for a dark blonde or light brown. If the punky look pink or red seems good.
How about getting yoour crown highllights? Maybe a light brown/dark blonde would look nice.

Trust me it looks amazing. I have it. and im happy with them.

So when you drop your head its black but when you have your head right side up you see a nice colour at your crown and then your black hair.

I dont know if I explained it well but I hope it helps :)
try a dark brownish red highlights
a deep color in the red family would look nice
red and blonde
my friend has the same color as you %26amp; she chose a like brownish-redish color %26amp; it looks GREAT!

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